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K N U C K L E D O W N Lyrics

Album/Collection: English Settlement
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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k  kk
k    k nuckle  down,  love  his  skin,  it  doesn't  matter what colour
kkkkk skin  he's  locked  in   knuckle  down,  knuckle  down  and  love
k    k that skin.    knuckle down,    love his race,  it doesn't matter
k     k if  you  win  or  lose a little face     knuckle down  and love
that  race.   one  bright  morning  the   world  might  end    with   a
big  bang   and    you'll   never   get   yourself    another   chance.
put  aside the   hoodoo    and   some   of the   voodoo   'bout  people
being  different  take  them   by  the arm   and   run  to  the street,
take a  little drum to  supply the   beat, soon the   whole world  will
be  up   on  it's feet   and  dancing.   for  my   sake won't  you  put
your knuckles down, boys? for my sake won't  you put you knuckles down?
knuckle  down, love her   skin,  it  doesn't  matter what  colour  skin
she's locked  in  knuckle   down, knuckle  down  and love   that  skin.
knuckle down,  love her race,  it doesn't matter if you  win or lose  a
little  face   knuckle down and  love  that  race. one  bright  morning
you  just  might   wake  when the  coin drops,  even  though you  think
that love is such  a corny thing.  you can  burst the bubble   full  up
with  trouble says that  people always got to  be fighting (not right!)
and  take them   by  the arm   and run  to   the fields,  blow  on your
horn   until jericho  yields,   soon the  whole  world   will lay  down
swords  and  shield  for     singing. for     my sake  won't    you put
your knuckles down, boys? for my sake won't you put your knuckles down?

andy-lead vocals, acoustic guitar, percussion, frog colin-fretless bass
dave-electric guitars terry-drums, percussion composed by  a. partridge

K N U C K L E D O W N Lyrics

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