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Compassion Lyrics

Album/Collection: Healing
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  You want more, and still more,
  Until you get more than you ever bargained for.
  Now its plain, clear as rain,
  I've seen your symptoms many times before.
  	Lying on your bed of pain
  	What will you have now?
  What are riches untold in a life without compassion?
  For there's no winter as cold
  	as a life without compassion.
  There's no prescription that's sold
  	that can heal you like compassion.
  Well you tried and you cried,
  And let your disappointment make you hard inside.
  You have doubt, you reach out,
  Still you're the only one you care about.
  	Hiding in your sack of woe
  	What do you need now?
  For there is nothing so sad
  	as a life without compassion.
  And even love has turned bad,
  	it was love without compassion.
  And you don't need what you had
  	'Cause you did not have compassion.
  	Dying on your bed of pain
  	What will you have now?
  You'll get no judgment from me,
  	I can only feel compassion.
  And if that's what you need,
  	I will give you my compassion.
  Just don't forget about me
  	'Cause we all need some compassion.
  Open up your heart
  	so you can start to feel compassion.
  Get down on your knees,
  	pray to heaven for compassion.
  Everybody needs compassion.
  If you want to be healed
  	then you know you got to feel compassion.

Compassion Lyrics

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