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Get Loose Lyrics

Album/Collection: Crystal Ball
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Let me see that body get loose (Let's go)
Let me see that body get loose (Let's go)


Let me see that body get loose (Let's go)


Let me see that body get loose

Aaah oh (Let's go)
Aaah oh

Let me see that body get loose (Aaah oh)

Aaah oh (Let's go)



Oooh (Let's go)

Let me see that body
Let me see that
Let me see that
Let me see that body get loose (Let's go)

Let me see that
Let me see that
Let me see that
Let me see that
Let me see that
Let me see that
Let me see that
Let me see that body get loose (Let's go)

Take that U fly motherfuckers

Let me see that body get loose


Get Loose Lyrics

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