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Praise The Lord Lyrics

Album/Collection: Wishing Like A Mountain
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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"Praise the lord," he said to me, and he seemed quite happy,
he seemed quite happy, and I said, "yeah"
Cause I was just down at the sea, and it occurred to me that I like to
feel it knock me down, twist and throw and churn me around 'cause it's
Mother Ocean, and I'm just one of her sons.  And she can do just what she
wants to me, and I know she does nothing purposely.  I must respect, that
goes unsaid, but it's all just a twist of fate.  And I know about heaven's
gate, because I've seen it but not up close, and I know it ain't no pearly
white, and I know that I'll be nothing there, just food for fish and
twisting worms, but that's just fine with me, 'cause when I'm being tossed
by the sea, I can feel a force greater than misery, greater than my stupid
job, greater than our stupid bomb, and a time comes to mind a time without

So don't tell me about the land of Nod, where we are supposed to sit at
the right hand of God, where the lion will lay down with the lamb, because
you know damn well he'll eat him if he can.  The lion doesn't want to be
pacified by promises of an endless life 'cause he knows it's not that way
-- he's not detached, he sees it everyday: the birth, the death, and the
decay.  And he accepts and says it's okay -- he would eat us for our
elitist ways.

Praise The Lord Lyrics

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