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Steal My Body Home Lyrics

Album/Collection: Mellow Gold
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Put me in a hole in the ground 
With the money and the towel 
And the women learnin' to bow [?] 

Can't complain about the mess 
Momma killed her only dress 
Now she's longin' for the pants 

Watch my troubles all unwind 
Drinkin' gasoline and wine 
Catchin chill up the storm 

On the train they cannot feel 
Lost my head beneath the wheel 
Now she steals my body home 

The trees are fake, the air is dead 
The birds are stuffed with poison lead 
And the ground is much too clean 

And if it's only me who's scared 
Strap me into the 'lectric chairs 
Ring the moon like a broken bell 

When she drags you from the hill 
Daddy's gonna burn down the still 
We can watch it from the rooftop 

Ooh... [etc...] 

Lay into the fryin' pan 
Now she kisses her own hand 
With the fiddle on the fire 

I took a leap into the fog 
Sleepin' on a hollow log 
Now I'm coughin' with no mouth 

You can keep yourself inside 
But you know you cannot hide 
When the devil's your only friend 

Steal My Body Home Lyrics

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