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I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [specia Lyrics

Album/Collection: U2
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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		C:  "Now, we're up to our long-distance 
		dedication.  And this one is about kids,
		and pets, and a situation that we can all 
		understand, whether we have kids, or pets, 
		or neither.  It's from a man in Cincinatti, 
		Ohio.  And here's what he writes:

		"'Dear Casey, This may seem to be a strange
		dedication request, but I'm quite sincere,
		and it'll mean a lot if you play it.
		Recently, there was a death in our family.
		He was a little dog named Snuggles.
		But he was most certainly a part of...'"

		Let's co...Let's start again...from, comin' 
		out of the record... Play the record, okay?...
					CBJ:  You can't get on the 
					frequency that I'm on, 
					ya dumb son of a bitch.
		C:  "That's the letter U, and the numeral 2.
		The four-man band features Adam Clayton 
		on bass, Larry Mullen on drums, Dave Evans,
		nicknamed 'The Edge', on..." ...this is bullshit,
		nobody cares...these guys are from England, 
		and who gives a shit?!
					CBJ:  Oh, yeah...
		C:  It's a lot of wasted names 
		that don't mean diddly-shit!
					CBJ:  I... Fer sure, fer sure, 
					you guys don't know where he's at,
					you don't know shit about him...
		C:  This is bullshit, this is bullshit...
CB1:  Sounds like he's 
portable, too.
		C:  Who gives a shit, who gives a shit? 
WCB:  Yeah, it is close...
		C:  Diddly shit, diddly shit,
		diddly shit, diddly shit,
					CBJ:  Yeah...
WCB:  Damn right.
		C:  Nobody cares!
WCB:  It's been getting 
stronger all the time here...
		C:  Snuggles. 
					CBJ:  Yeah...
		C:  Snuggles.
					CBJ:  Oh, yeah...
		C:  Snuggles.
					CBJ:  Oh, yeah, OK...
		C:  He was a little dog,
		named Snuggles.
[Dog barking]
		C:  This is American Top 40.
		This is American Top 40.
		This is bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
					CBJ:  Ahhh, ya can't get ahold 
					of me, ya little fuckin' twerp
					cocksucker... [whistle]  Fuck you!
CB2:  So when we find ya,
we want your blood.
					CBJ:  Here we go with the shit
					"Tryin' to find 'im" again, "Oh, 
					when we find 'im..."  You goddamn
					haven't found, you couldn't find 
					your fuckin' asshole if your fuckin'
					butt wasn't connected to it...
					Buncha fuckin' white-ass honkeys,
					man, ya can't find shit, stupid 
CB2:  I wanna meet you...
Definitely, I don't think you
got the fuckin' balls.
					CBJ:  You haven't found anybody, 
					anywhere, anytime.  You never have
					given out his correct address, his
					fuckin' right-on description, or a 
					car, or nothin'. You got some fuckin'
					bullshit info... Ha, you haven't done
					shit with 'im.
CB1:  We didn't find you yet?
We really didn't find you
the first time?
					CBJ:  When was the first time, huh? 
					When was the first time?  Hey, why
					don't you give out his, his address,
					an' what he looks like, and his car, 
					and all that fuckin' information.
					Goddamn, you got somebody there, I
					dunno who, but go ahead and get all 
					that shit outta you, why don't you 
					go over there and knock on his fuckin'
					door man, ya, ya think ya know where 
					he's at and all this shit...

		C:  ...See, when you come out of those 
		up-tempo goddamn numbers, man, it's
		impossible to make those transitions... 
		and then ya gotta go into somebody dyin'...
[Dog growls]
		C:  Goddammit if we can't come outta
		a slow record, I don't understand it...
					CBJ:  [unintelligible]
		C:  Why are we doing these instrumentals?
		Cause we got 'em? I don't understand it.
V1:  This is also nothing new.
		C:  I don't understand it.
V1:  This is also nothing new.
		C:  I don't understand it.
					CBJ:  [unintelligible]
V1:  I think that people read 
more into the music than 
is really there...
		C:  Will somebody find out 
		the goddamn answer?
V1:  In the 50's, they considered 
it vulgar and despicable to have songs
like "Teach Me Tonight," "Let's Do It" 
by Cole Porter, "All of You" by Cole 
Porter--those were considered
euphemisms for something dirty.
		C:  Who gives a shit?
V1:  Some vulgar, dirty act.
		C:  Diddly shit, diddly shit!
V1:  The Kingston Trio sang a song
that used the word "damn". It was
banned on the radio.
		C:  Goddammit!
V1:  In the 60's, there was a song 
called "Louie Louie"...
		C:  Goddammit!
V1:  ...it was played upside, 
		C:  Goddammit!
V1:  ...every way they could play it,
looking for the dirty message.
		C:  Goddammit!
V1:  They never found the dirty message;
the FCC was brought in.
		C:  Oh, Fuck!
V1:  Uhh, in the 70's, people went 
through the same period, looking for
the dirtiness of the song.
					S (Coven):  SATAN!...HAIL, SATAN!
V1:  I...waaat? 
					S:  HAIL!...[Whssshhh]
V1:  I... 
					S:  HAIL!...[Whssshhh]
V1:  I.. I really don't think that
the Satanic message is there...
					CBJ:  Go out an' fuckin' 
					find him, man.
		C:  Snuggles.
CB2:  Be prepared to meet your Maker...
		C:  Fuck!
CB2:  I'm after your ass, boy.
					CBJ:  Aaaur, sounds like one of
					those gay Bay boys...
		C:  Snuggles.
CB2:  Definitely.  Meet me at 
Mohr Lane and, uh, Monument.
I'll personally meet you.
		C:  Fuck!
CB2:  You'll see me...
		C:  Snuggles.
CB2:  ...I'll be wearin' a red 
and white baseball cap, says "ABC
Auto Parts" on it.
		C:  OK...
CB2:  Can't miss me, son.
		C:  OK...
					CBJ:  Oh, he sounds like a real 
					fancy dresser now, doesn't he, ha, ha?
		C:  OK...
CB2:  I'm gonna whup your fuckin' ass.
		C:  OK, I want a goddamn concerted effort 
		to come out of a record that isn't a 
		fucking up-tempo record everytime I do a 
		goddamn death dedication! It's the last 
		goddamn time, I want SOMEBODY to use his 
		fuckin' brain, to not come out of a 
		goddamn record that is, uh, that, that's
		up-tempo and I gotta talk about a fuckin' 
		dog dying!!!
					CB3:  That guy gets himself 
					into so much shit!
CB1:  ...stupid shithead again...
					CB3:  Who knows?  He might be the
					straightest kid in town.
		C:  Boy, is this fuckin' ponderous, man.
		Ponderous, fuckin' ponderous.
					CB3:  Eat shit and die, Richard!
		C:  "This is American Top 40, right here 
		on the radio station you grew up with, 
		Music Radio 138..."  Oh, Fuck!
CB1:  Oh, fuck you, Liz...
					CB3:  Well, fuck You Too, Richard.
CB1:  Auuuw, fuck you, Liz!
					CB3:  Fuck You Too, Richard!
CB1:  You'd like to, yeah, 
wouldn't ya?
					CB3:  Oh, I'm such a nice 
					kid, though.

Dave Watson, Severed Heads Liberation Front (Re-release the _Stretcher_ EP!)
Frezier Balzoff (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada  [email protected]
           "A man is measured by the depth of his anger."--Eddie
	     Abstinance is great, when practiced in moderation.

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [specia Lyrics

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