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Bad Religion (Theme Song) Lyrics

Album/Collection: 80-85
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
Rating: 10.00 (out of 10)
Number of Vote: 1
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See my body, it's nothing to get hung about.
I'm nobody except genetic runaround.
Spiritual era's gone, it ain't comin' back.
Bad religion, a cabal, that is all that's left.
  Hey Mr. Mind, stop wasting my time,
  With your factory precision.
  Factory precision is your
    Bad religion, too good to take.
    Indecision, it's not too late.
    Bad religion, bad religion.
Don't you know the place you live's a piece of shit?
Don't you know blind faith in life will conquer it? 
Don't you know responsibility is ours?
I don't care a think about eternal fires.
  Listen this time, it's more than a rhyme,
  It's conjured up in lies.
  Your indecision is your
    Bad religion, too good to take.
    Indecision, it's not too late.
    Bad religion, too good to take.
    Indecision, it's not too late.
    Bad religion, bad religion,
    Bad religion.

Note: This was the third and final recorded version of the theme song 
      (usually known as the slow version).

Bad Religion (Theme Song) Lyrics

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