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Design Lyrics

Album/Collection: Interview
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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   As years drift by
   and future dies.

1. He sits and he thinks
   about all he's done in life,
   I'm now an old man,
   what have I been in life?
   what did I do?
   Had no end to aspire to.

2. His dreams as a boy
   were of hope and intention
   of making his mark
   with his plans and invention,
   where did they go,
   how could he know how time goes.

   In my day had to have
   certain future,
   but now you can do as you like,
   all that I might have wanted,
   seeking what you're after,
   but not for me.

   Everything comes to those who wait,
   I thought everything may come to me
   made my way only as I was able.

3. He knows there's no more he can do,
   no romances, now bitten today
   for they have all his chances,
   all too late, no one waits
   how time goes by.

   Seeking what you're after,
   but not for me
   Have as my years drift by
   never for me.

Design Lyrics

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