Home > Rock & Pop > 88 Circles Above >
A Way Out Guitar Tablature
#-- File created with Instab - http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html --#

Author/Artist: 88 Circles Above
Title: A Way Out
Album: Clip-on Glamour EP
Transcribed by: Sander
Email: [email protected]

Ok guys (and girls!). The song is played in drop B. 
It's possible te tab is 100% correct, my guitar is in drop A.
However, it should be tuned like this:
B, F#, B, E, G#,C#

Main Scheme:

These chords are played almost throughout the entire
song. Hoewever you can sometimes leave out the 5th string like this:


Right after the first chorus the chord scheme is slightly different:


Let the last chord ring for a while... Then continue with the verse. After the
verse there is a clean bridge.                                                                            


Now finish the song playing the same chords as before. Listen carefully for the
changes in playing style. If necessary, leave out the 5th string.


The song is of the Clip-on Glamour EP. I created the tab listening to an old 
demo version,so I hope the song hasn't changed since they released their first demo.