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Lost Cause Guitar Tablature
"Lost Cause" -- Oleander
Tabbed by Kyle Holcombe

Tuning: Drop D down a half step (Db Ab Db Eb Gb Eb)

Guitar 1:
 This is the main riff   This is the refrain thing   Throw this in at one point

Guitar 2:


Mostly bass -- but guitars can throw in some slightly distorted palm muted
chords here and there -- same chords as the intro.  Just fool around with it.


Guitar 1:

Guitar 2:


Guitar 1:

Guitar 2:


Guitar 1:



Okay, so that little descending part of the solo isn't right..but it's a bit hard to
figure out just what he's doing...so you can play that instead, 'less you feel like
figuring it out yourself.

Otherwise, I think it's pretty dead on.  E-mail any comments/suggestions/whatnot to
[email protected]

#^(#)  .. Bend to note in ( )
#^(#)r .. Bend to note in ( ) and release to original note
h ....... Hammer on
p ....... Pull off
~ ....... Vibrato/hold note
( ) ..... Held only for a second or hardly heard due to
          feedback, other notes picked, etc.
/........ Slide up the neck (Towards pickups)
........ Slide down the neck (Away from pickups)
<> ...... Harmonic
pm ...... Palm mute
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