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Don't Tread On Me Guitar Tablature
All gtrs tune down 1/2 step

     p.m. - palm muting
     ^    - bend, above the staff is the amount of bend
            F - full step     1/2 - half step    2 - two steps...
     tr~~~- trill between note and note in paranthesis
     H    - Hammer on
     P    - Pull off


 Rhy. Fig 1---------------------------------------------------------------|
 12/8 time                              two guitars
 p.m. -|            p.m. -|             p.m. ------| (cont muting pattern)


6/8 time             12/8 time
p.m.---------------| let ring--------------------------| w/Rhy Fig 1 (3x)

                     Rhy. Fig. 2
                     p.m.--|    p.m.---|    p.m.-----| (sim.)
                                     (end Rhy Fig 2)  w/Rhy Fig 2 (2x)

                   Riff A    w/slide
                    Don't tread on me

        (end Riff A)  Rhy Fig 3
                     Liberty or...

      (end Rhy Fig 3) w/Rhy Fig 2
                          Never begins...

                                       w/Rhy Fig 2 (1st 2 bars only)
                               ...rage.                               Say,
                                                    Rhy Fig 4
 don't tread on me                                              So  be  it

                                                        (end Rhy Fig 4)
            threaten no more        to secure peace               war

 w/Rhy Fig 4 (1st 3 bars only)

                         w/Rhy Fig 2 & Riff A

--------------------| |--------------------                 Guitar Solo
                    | |2.                              FINE|w/Rhy Fig 2 (2x)
                    | |                     6/8 time        12/8 time
                                F    F                                     F

                         1/2                           1/2
                   F       F    F    F           F       F    F    2

       F      H P P       H P P    P           H P


                        H P  ph   P   p h      P  ph     H P
                                                          H      F     F



 w/Rhy Fig 4
          So be it        threaten...     to secure peace          ...war

 w/Rhy Fig 3      F             1/2  F
      Liberty or...

   1/2  1/2   1/2
     F    F     F          D.S. (take 2nd ending) al Fine
||------------------------|-----------------|   ^^^
                   tail.          So be it,

enjoy ppl!!!!! any questions or u think i made any mistakes mail me!
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