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Negative Guitar Tablature
"NEGATIVE 3" - Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids

(tune E string down one half step to D#)



guitar 2 (verse)

riff (strewn casually about at the end of each verse, i believe)
                        <*=this is 12 at some points in the song.       
                         listen and you'll hear when to play 4 and     
                         when to play 12.>



the little instrumental break in the song is a B barre chord played as 
an arpeggio...for you chord impaired ppl it looks like this:
   <*=E string not played: since it's tuned down a half step it won't   
    sound right>
and you pick the notes individually instead of playing them all at 
once. the ones w/ an < are the ones daisy plays the most. i think he 
may screw with the chord a little bit: listen to the song to get the 
specific .
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