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Belial Northern Prince of Evil Guitar Tablature
Artist - Lord Belial 
Album  - Enter The Moonlight Gate
Song Title - Belial-Northern Prince of Evil
Tabbed By: Ricky Salas ([email protected])

I am not familiar with the tuning, I just tune it while playing the song. 
                                    (I think its 1/2 or whole step down)

/   - slide up
   - slide down
..  - trem pick
pm- - palm mute

 Riff 1 (guitar 1)                        (4x)

 Riff 1 (guitar 2)       (3rd & 4th time only)

 Riff 2                                   (2x)

 Riff 3 (guitar 1)                                  (2x)
                     pm - - -   - - -   - - -   - - -

  Riff 3 (guitar 2)   ***(2x)1st Time ONLY*** (1x second time riff 3 is played)
                    pm - - -   - - -   - - -   - - -
 Riff 3 (guitar 2)    ***2nd Time ONLY***(this part is played the second time they
---------------------------------------------------------|         play riff 3)
                       pm - - -   - - -   - - -   - - -

 Riff 4A                            Riff 4B 
-----------------------------------|-------------------------|REPEAT Riff 4A-|
                                   pm_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _



 Riff 5 (right after solo) **I think its also played during solo**

 play over riff 1 (at the end)
-----------------------------|(3rd & 4th time only)

This song is the author's (Lord Belial) own work and is only intended for private use.
Next guitar tablature in Lord Belial