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Paschendale Guitar Tablature
   /    /          ___         ___        ____ 
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/                / ___|    |   | _ /     \____    |  |
PASCHENDALE                                             |
Right this one has taken me ages to tab but here it is.
If you have any queries on the solo part please don’t hesitate to contact me through my e-mail which is: [email protected]   because I am still finding it difficult to catch.

H=hammer on
/=Slide up
=Slide down

Intro: Adrian Smith.
        T         T         T         T         T         T         T         T              T
Repeat 3 more times 
Enter: Janick Gers+ Dave Murray
 (Heavy Distortion) This will repeat through out the

        T         T         T         T         T         T         T         T            T
Play 2 more times


End of intro.

Rhythm: "Laying low in a blood filled trench" This will repeat later on in     	   the song. Listen to the CD.
|-9-9-9/--7-7-7 --9-9---9-9-9/--5-5-5 --7-7---9-9-9/--7-7-7 --9-9---
|-9-9-9/--7-7-7 --9-9---9-9-9/--5-5-5 --7-7---9-9-9/--7-7-7 --9-9---
|-7-7-7/--5-5-5 --7-7---7-7-7/--3-3-3 --5-5---7-7-7/--5-5-5 --7-7---

|-7-7-7---5-5-5 --7-7---|-------5--2---------5------5--2---------5------|
|-5-5-5---5-5-5 --7-7---|---2---5--2--2---2--5--2---5--2--2---2--5--2---|
|---------3-3-3 --5-5---|o--2---3--0--2---2--3--2---3--0--2---2--3--2---|



Chorus I: "Home far away"
|---9 --12/--7/---5 --7 --9 ---12/--5 --7-7---|
|---9 --12/--7/---5 --7 --9 ---12/--5 --7-7---|
|---7 --10/--5/---3 --5 --7 ---10/--3 --5-5---|

Chorus II: (Cont.) "The bodies of ours and our foes"
|----2--4 --5 --7----|
|----2--4 --5 --7----|
|----0--2 --3 --5----|

*Back to the pre-chorus jam and hold last chord.

Interlude Melody: This is played four times!

Interlude Riff: This comes right after melody above. You will
Have to listen to the song to justify these chords!
|--5-5 --7 --10/--9-|-10-10/--7 --10/--9-|-10/--9/--7/--5-|
|--3-3 --5 ---8/--7-|-8---8/--5 ---8/--7-|--8/--7/--5/--3-|

|-10/--9 --7-7---5----o|
|--8/--7 --5-5---------|

Rhythm: "Cruelty has a human heart, everyone does play his part"
|--9-9-9/--5-5-5 --7-7----7-7-7/--4-4-4 --5-5--|----5--2---------5-------
|--9-9-9/--5-5-5 --7-7----7-7-7/--4-4-4 --5-5--|-2--5--2--2---2--5--2----
|--7-7-9/--3-3-3 --5-5----5-5-7/--2-2-2 --3-3--|-2--3--0--2---2--3--2----


Repeat 3 more times


Pre-Solo and Solo riff: Little jam before the barrage of solos!

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