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Stuart and the Ave Guitar Tablature
Date: tue,24 july 2001
From: Joe 201 ([email protected])
Group: Green Day
Album: Insomniac
Released: 1995 reprise records
Track: 9
Title: stuart and the ave

pm - palm mute

**tune ½ step down*








standing on the corner of stuart and the avenue
ripping up my transfer and a photograph of you
you're a blur of my dead past and rotting existence
as i stand laughing on the corner of insignificance
destiny is dead
in the hands of bad luck
before it might have made some sense
but now it's all ***ed up
seasons change as well as well as minds
and i'm a two faced clown
you're mommy's little nightmare driving daddy's car around
i'm beat down and half brain dead
the long lost king of fools
i may be dumb but i'm not stupid enough
to stay with you
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