Home > Rock & Pop > Coal Chamber >
One Step Guitar Tablature

band : coal chamber
song : one step
cd : dark days
once again, another song from dark days

tunning : a e a d g b

- = palm mute


intro 2 / chorus

no idea for verse( i don't have any pedals)
then chorus 2x's
then verse
the chorus 4x's

intrelude                            then             then
----------------------------        -----------      -----------
----------------------------        -----------      -----------
----------------------------2x's    -----------4x's  -----------8x's
-1-1-1---1-1----1-1-1---1-1-        -8-7-8-7-7-      -8-7-8-7-7-
-1-1-1---1-1----1-1-1---1-1-        -----------      -8-7-8-7-7-
-1-1-1---1-1----1-1-1---1-1-        -----------      -8-7-8-7-7-
 - - -   - -    - - -   - -

then chorus 8x's

thats it. it basically repeats itself(please rate)

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